De Correspondent serves as an innovative platform that constantly pushes the limits of journalism. In 2014, they expanded their horizons and ventured into the world of book publishing. Alongside the Momkai team, I had the privilege of designing several book covers, contributing to numerous bestsellers.
The majority of these books offer actual solutions to highly pressing matters. Their authors frequently receive recognition through appearances on television, in magazines, and TED Talks, amplifying their thought-provoking ideas to reach a broader audience.
A few books dared to infuse extra spice to the design. With "Amerikanen Lopen Niet" by Arjen van Veelen, we were tasked with integrating two maps into the narrative, reflecting his experiences in and around St. Louis. By unfolding the back cover, the maps would be revealed, showcasing locations and landmarks from the book.
Each new addition to the book collection aligns with an overarching design direction and philosophy. With a diverse but coherent color palette and cleverly crafted illustrations for each title, we have achieved a cohesive visual language that unmistakably embodies the essence of "De Correspondent".